Blogging isn’t dead.
Blogging is still alive, and it can …
- Drive traffic to your website.
- Generate new leads.
- Establish your business as an authority.
But if you’re like many business owners or marketing leaders, your blog is probably lifeless. It no longer accomplishes the big goals I just mentioned. It’s just sitting there dormant on your website, haphazardly groaning for attention.
Before you give up hope or take your blog off life-support, there’s one tactic you should pursue to increase your blog traffic.
It’s a tactic that’s often overlooked and rarely discussed, and it could quickly and legitimately boost your blog traffic.
What is this magical tactic?
It’s republishing your old blog posts.
I know this doesn’t sound promising on the surface. But I’ve used this tactic on several different sites with similar positive results.
And this is the tactic I used to increase my blog traffic to one post month-over-month by 1,548%.
Let me show you:
This screenshot, which compares monthly traffic in March 2018 versus August 2018, shows the increase in monthly traffic before and after I made changes (no, this post did not receive a boost from social media or elsewhere in August).
This increase in blog traffic didn’t happen overnight.
After optimizing this post, it took a couple of months for it to begin ranking for a variety of keywords.
Here’s a bird’s-eye view of how this post started to increase in traffic after I implemented the changes:
This post was republished at the beginning of May, which led to the short spike that month. You can see a small dip in traffic in June, a slight increase in July, and a big leap in August as the post began to rank higher for additional keywords.
As you can see from this example, the traffic had previously plateaued and remained relatively the same month after month. After optimizing and republishing this postl, it went from receiving around 200 pageviews per month to nearly 3,300 pageviews per month!
Before you get too excited and start republishing everything on your site, I have some good news and bad news to share.
Here’s the good news:
Optimizing old posts on your site can increase your blog traffic.
But here’s the bad news:
This tactic doesn’t produce the same results for every post on your site.
Since I don’t want to end on a negative note, I’m going to walk you through the process I used to identify this post (and many others) to republish, and the steps I took to optimize it to increase its ranking and traffic.
Click here to read the entire post at Stillhouse Marketing.
The post 1,548% Increase in Blog Traffic: 1 Proven (Yet Overlooked) Tactic appeared first on Copybot.